Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No. 1

Round about the end of last year I started thinking I must be one of the only people left on the planet without a blog. Of course I’m not. It only seems that way because these days it’s easy enough for your average Joe (or Josephine) to blog about fishing or their cat Fluffy just for the sake of writing about fishing or Fluffy. And then there are the folks who just want to share their opinions. They all seem to have blogs, too. Provided they have an internet connection.

Well, I’m pretty sure I fit in the latter group. Under the best of intentions I had planned on starting this blog in January. As you may have figured out, it’s already February.

Here’s what happened: I got mono. You know that thing teenagers get when they spend more time making-out than doing their homework. And, yes, I was paying attention that day in health class so I know kissing isn’t the sole manner of contracting mono but I’m a bit of a germaphobia and therefore thought I was safe. Wrong!

For most of January I was asleep. Or coughing. Or trying to sleep but couldn’t because I was coughing. Now, I’m not one to run to the doctor at the first sign of a runny nose. I’m already contradicting myself but I think you’re immune system benefits in the long run if a few germs sneak by. However, two weeks into the cold from Hell I caved and saw the doctor only to hear there was nothing to do but rest and wait it out.

So here I am, still waiting it out. And starting my blog.

Problem is I’m not really sure where this blog is heading. Eventually, I hope, this blog will level out into something that resembles well written thoughts on interesting subjects. But no matter what I write I urge you not to take anything too seriously, in spite of the title of this blog. Actually, the title was – shall we say – borrowed from the Phil Collins album. Why Phil Collins? Why not? It fits. Well, at least in my mind.

I also hope this damn mono goes away soon, never to be heard from again. No, seriously. Mono is possibly the most boring illness on Earth and the only things that’s brought me joy in the last few weeks has been Top Gear (more on that later) and pudding.

After that little rant I’ll just say this bit more. Blogging is perhaps one of the greatest products of the internet. Writing for pleasure gets lost after you finish school. Filling out paper work and the occasional “thank you” note takes its place. People get busy and forget what they miss. I’ve miss writing and I look forward to joining this part of the 21st century.

However, I still refuse to Twitter.

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